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Ways to Help


Car Donation

Task Aid has partnered with Cars4Causes, which has a unique vehicle donation program benefiting our programs. Cars 4 Causes will make the process quick and easy, so donate your car, truck,boat, or RV today.

Step 1: Contact Cars4Causes by calling 800-766-CARE (800-766-2273). Mention Task Aid as your charity choice for your donation. They will work with you every step of the way and answer all your questions.

Step 2: Cars4Causes will pick up the vehicle free of cost and complete all the necessary DMV paperwork. The car will be ready for sale once the repairs and maintance are complete and the vehicle meets state requirements.

Step 3:  Once the vehicle is sold, you will receive a written acknowledgement from Cars4Causes stating the selling price of the vehicle.

The process is simple so DONATE YOUR CAR today and help Task Aid in their mission to empower young children.


Plan and lead a fundraising event independently or with a group, i.e. your school, social club, or network.

Please email us at or call our toll free number at 1-888-323-TASK (8275) to make the proper arrangements.

Become a fan on FACEBOOK

Show your support by becoming a fan of Task Aid on Facebook.  There are many ways to help and Facebook is a great tool to link people together towards a great cause.

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