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May 8, 2012

Task Aid has signed up with Planet Green! Planet Green raises funds for good causes, while saving the environment!

Please visit their website to find out more info, by clicking on the link or image below!

May 4, 2012

Task Aid is pleased to announce that we have submitted an application for the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Grant in order to further pursue our goal of providing educational materials and support for the people of Albania!

October 25, 2010

Task Aid Partners with Cars4Causes

Cars4Causes is a charity which gives to charity. With their vehicle donation programs, 70% of the proceeds which result from the sale of a vehicle, go to the designated charity of your choosing. They make all the steps easy and will pick up your car free of charge. Please view the flyer below and distribute it among your friends and colleagues so that our programs ge the funding they require.

Click on image to view cars4causes flyer

September 2, 1010

Task Aid Pledge to Partners in Health

Task Aid is reaching out to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti by donating to Partners in Health and their efforts to rebuild the country. Although the mission of Task Aid is providing assistance to the Developing Countries of South Eastern Europe, we felt compelled to help. The January 12th earthquake killed 220,000 people and left over 1.5 million homeless. These statistics were too great to disregard and Task Aid decided to utilize all its resources in lending a hand. With detailed research, we chose the organization Partners in Health because we believed in their mission and more importantly their work. They have an impressive reputation for assisting people in need with integrity and responsibility. The road to recovery for Haiti includes rebuilding schools and hospitals, creating jobs, providing shelter, sanitation and water provisions and providing security and protection for the people. The public and private sectors have to work together towards a common goal of rebuilding Haiti and provide the Haitian community the resources they need to restore their country, community and life. Task Aid encourages everyone to assist in the relief efforts, whether it’s through fundraising, volunteering or donating. For more information on Partners in Health and their work in Haiti please visit their website at

07/28/09 Boston MA

We will be visiting Albania from August 18 to September 30. During this time we will meet with various non-profit organizations, school officials, teachers, students and parents to obtain an accurate assessment for needs. With this data, we will be able to to prioritize our goals and create a needs list that is specific and tailored to the targeted school. We will add information to our website throughout the trip to keep you updated.

06/05/09 Worcester MA

Task Aid Sponsored the Albanian Festival 2009. We provided 15 volunteers during the three day event to make the Albanian Festival a success.

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