January 4, 2014
Task Aid is raising funds for the two current projects! Every donation that can be made is one step closer to our goal!
Thank you all for your support!
May 8, 2012
Task Aid has signed up with Planet Green!
Planet Green raises funds for good causes, while saving the environment!
Please visit their website to find out more info, by clicking on the link or image below!
May 4, 2012
Task Aid is pleased to announce that we have submitted an application for the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation Grant in order to further pursue our goal of providing educational materials and support for the people of Albania!
10/25/2010 Los Angeles, CA
Task Aid has partnered with:
Click on the image for more information.
8/23/2010 Boston, MA
Task Aid became a registered 501 (c) (3) public charity.
3/1/2010 Boston, MA
Task Aid is starting a new project aimed at rebuliding Haiti. Further details will be available soon.
1/1/2010 Boston, MA
Our second project involves the renovation of a school in the village of Kuci i Zi. Please click here to view it.
11/04/2009 Boston, MA
Our first project involves the reconstruction of a school in Barc, Albania. Please click here to view it.
10/29/2009 Boston, MA
Our photos and videos are now available for viewing under Events.
10/19/2009 Boston MA
We are currently in the process of updating our website with the information and photos from our visit to Albania.
07/28/2009 Boston MA
We are visiting Albania from August 18 to September 30. We will add information to our Website throughout the trip to keep you updated, so please check our blog.
07/20/2009 Boston MA
The first country Task Aid will be providing aid to is Albania.
06/05/2009 Worcester MA
Task Aid sponsored the Albanian Festival of 2009. We provided 15 volunteers during the three day event to make the Albanian Festival a success.