Massachusetts Guyanese American Missionary Endeavor Organization or MassG.A.M.E was organized in 1995, after a group of Guyanese living in the United States returned from a trip to Guyana and decided to help with some of the needs in Guyana.
In February 2006, our constitution and by-laws were voted and accepted. In April 2006 we obtained our Federal Non-Profit status, and in July 2006 we received Massachusetts Tax Exempt status. Our organization is primarily supported by dues from its members, and contributions from individuals like you.
We have been part of some exciting projects, we work to achieve our goals and to provide assistance with various needs and projects in Guyana.
Our membership consists of a small group of individuals. We have a big heart, and we are committed to achieving our goals. We encourage everyone to become a member or an associate member. If you have a desire to help, please contact us.
President - Esther Small
Vice President of Programming - Irving Henry
Vice President of Public Relations - Brian James
Treasurer - Raynold Lewis
Assistant Treasurer - Clyde King
Secretary - Marcelle Gibbons
Chaplins - Revlan Severin and Paul Gibbons
Board Members At Large - Neville Alert, Ivor London, Colian Perry
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