Mortgage Loan Modification Lawyers Fighting for Lower Monthly Payments
Mortgagelates.com provides mortgage relief and loan modifications that stop the foreclosure process with lawyers negotiating lower mortgage payments and modified terms to help get your home loans and finances back on track. Restructure your mortgage with loan modifications, forbearance, loan workouts, deed in lieu of foreclosure or a legally negotiated short sale. We have partnered with reputable law firms in an effort to provide full service legal and experienced negotiators who have achieved both home loan modifications and foreclosure injunctions results with lenders like Countrywide, Chase, B of A, Wells Fargo, Wamu, Wachovia, Citi Mortgage, Suntrust and many more. Don’t let adjustable rate mortgages, bad credit or predatory lending stop you from securing a mortgage payment that you can afford.
A loan modification is a renegotiated agreement, or loan work-out in which the mortgage lender modifies the existing terms while reducing the monthly payment for the borrower. The primary goal of a loan modification is to restructure the mortgage to a payment that is more affordable for the homeowner. Learn more about the proposed government bail-out plan to purchase bad credit mortgages and buy down the interest rate from the Federal Reserve in an effort to securitize fixed rate home loans. Get the inside scoop on the FDIC loan modification plan and the get more ground breaking insight with latest updates regarding foreclosure news.